Record Shelves for two truntables but no microphone (one can be plugged in though), the unit is wall mounted to isolate the decks from vibration and disturbance when people use the room, not skipped yet

Bike store for 3m long Cargo-Bike, designed to work in a 1930s semi-detached house's front garden, the drawbridge design makes for a versatile, secure door, a ground loop has been installed for extra protection as well as two rails to guide the bike into position allowing the height to be kept to a minimum. I can design one for your bike and your storage area, POA

The Floating Planters of Avalon, or Falling Water over Rusholme, with a strong Japanese feel to the detailing, the computer images show the ideas development undertaken with the client collaboratively, she wanted a handrail initally, after discussion we realised that planters could provide this discretely by offering something to grab onto at all heights of step without being obvious, it transpired that planters were what was really wanted, a rail might be needed, this was the solution

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